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Version: 3.3.0


Splunk Cloud Instructions

Follow these instruction to install and setup AME on Splunk Cloud


AME installation and setup requires sc_admin privileges.

Application installation

  1. Open Apps -> Find More Apps
  2. Search for Alert Manager Enterprise
  3. Click on Install and enter your credentials.
  4. Restart Splunk
  5. Complete the application setup

Application setup

After the installation the setup interface is opened. The setup will configure a default tenant.

A tenant includes:

  • An index (admin-created)
  • A KV Store Collection (AME-generated)
  • A HEC Collector (admin-created)
  • Splunk Roles (AME-generated)

A green bar confirms successful setup. Provide these details:

IndexIndex for events (e.g., ame_default; renaming later needs Professional Services)
HostHEC host (hostname only, no protocol like HTTP/HTTPS). See below.
PortHEC port for traffic (default: 443).
TokenHEC token for authentication
SSL EnabledEnables HTTPS for HEC submissions (Mandatory for cloud).
SSL VerifiedVerifies HEC host certificate (recommended)
CA CertificateThe Splunk Cloud CA Certificate.

Create the default tenant index and set up the HEC Token first before finishing the setup.


Choose the index name carefully—renaming requires Professional Services.

In Splunk Cloud, use an sc_admin account to create an index and HEC token. Set the HEC host to the dedicated receiver (port 443, SSL enabled), using only the domain:

  • AWS:
  • GCP:

Optionally, use the the Splunk Cloud Root CA for verification.

Index Creation

See Splunk Docs: Manage Indexes how to create an index.

HEC Setup

See Splunk Docs: HEC Setup. how to set up the HEC Token.

[CAUTION: HEC Indexer Acknowledgment]

HEC Indexer Acknowledgment is unsupported in Splunk Cloud. See Splunk Docs: HEC IDX Ack.

After the Setup

After the setup, the Setup and Migration page lists required tasks in order.

Application Administrator Role

AME provides an ame.admin role for app management. Assign it to the application owner as a best practice.


See Role Overview for AME role details.


Do not assign ame.admin to untrusted users.

[INFO: Splunk Cloud Classic Stack]

For Splunk Cloud Classic Stack, contact Splunk Support if events don’t appear (CIA-8485).


See the Troubleshooting Guide under "The HEC Connection does not work" for health-check steps.

Modifying Settings

Adjust settings via Tenant Settings.

Splunk Enterprise Instructions

Follow these instruction to install and setup AME on Splunk Enterprise


AME installation and setup requires admin privileges.

Splunk Enterprise Deployment Options

Splunk Enterprise (On-Premises) offers multiple AME deployment options using configuration templates.

[NOTE: HEC Indexer Acknowledgment]

Enable HEC Indexer Acknowledgment on the receiver token for reliability.


For non-localhost HEC Receivers, configure props.conf to avoid event truncation.

Search Head / Search Head Cluster with Local HTTP Event Collector and Log Forwarding

In this scenario, the Search Head/Search Head Cluster is the local HEC Receiver (localhost). The Search Head is configured to send its logs to the indexers (outputs.conf).

Search Head / Search Head Cluster with Remote HTTP Event Collector on Heavy Forwarder

In this scenario, the Alert Manager Enterprise app sends data to a remote Heavy Forwarder that acts as a HEC Receiver. The Heavy Forwarder sends its logs to the indexers.

Search Head / Search Head Cluster with HTTP Event Collector on Indexers with Load-Balancer

In this scenario, the Alert Manager Enterprise app sends its data to a load-balancer, which forwards the connection to Indexers with an HEC Receiver configured.


For Load-Balancers, the following HTTP connection settings are supported:

  • HTTP/1.1 with a connection header Keep-Alive (Splunk HEC default)
  • HTTP/1.1 with a connection header Close

Application installation

Install Alert Manager Enterprise (AME) like any Splunk app on the Search Head via Splunkbase or by deploying to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps.

For Search Head Clusters, use the Deployer to install the app.

On-Premises Search Head Cluster Installation

To install AME on a Search Head Cluster:

  1. Copy the app to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/shcluster/app on the Deployer.
  2. Run splunk apply shcluster-bundle to deploy.
  3. Complete the application setup.

Application setup

After the installation the setup interface is opened. The setup will configure a default tenant.

A tenant includes:

  • An index (admin-created)
  • A KV Store Collection (AME-generated)
  • A HEC Collector (admin-created)
  • Splunk Roles (AME-generated)

A green bar confirms successful setup. Provide these details:

IndexIndex for events (e.g., ame_default; renaming later needs Professional Services)
HostHEC host (hostname only, no protocol like HTTP/HTTPS)
PortHEC port for traffic (default: 8088)
TokenHEC token for authentication
SSL EnabledEnables HTTPS for HEC submissions (recommended)
SSL VerifiedVerifies HEC host certificate (recommended)
CA CertificateThe CA Certificate of the HEC Receiver

Create the default tenant index and set up the HEC Token first before finishing the setup.


Choose the index name carefully—renaming requires Professional Services.

Index Creation

Create the default tenant index, e.g. ame_default.

HEC Setup

Set up HEC on your HEC Host (see Deployment options). Create the HEC Token.

After the Setup

After the setup, the Setup and Migration page lists required tasks in order.

New installations must run the AME Setup first. Upgrades may include additional tasks; see Update Page.

Application Administrator Role

AME provides an ame.admin role for app management. Assign it to the application owner as a best practice.


See Role Overview for AME role details.


Do not assign ame.admin to untrusted users.

Testing the HEC Receiver Connection

See the Troubleshooting Guide under "The HEC Connection does not work" for health-check steps.

Modifying Settings

Adjust settings via Tenant Settings.