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Version: 3.3.0


Tenants in Alert Manager Enterprise (AME) isolate events, knowledge objects, and configurations using role-based access control (RBAC).


Creating additional tenants requires the Multi-Tenancy Feature Pack. See Licensing and Support.

Each tenant includes a dedicated Splunk index, a KV Store collection, and associated roles. During installation, AME creates a default tenant with the ame_default index, the ame_default_events collection, and specific roles outlined below.

Tenant Roles

Users interact with tenants based on their assigned roles. The table below lists the roles, their purposes, and access levels:

RolePurposeAccess Level
ame.adminManage all tenants and configurationsFull access to all tenants, edit objects, assign events
ame.default.powerEnhanced access for default tenantManage events within default tenant
ame.default.userBasic access for default tenantView and interact with events in default tenant
ame.<tenant>.adminManage a specific tenantFull access to the specified tenant
ame.<tenant>.powerEnhanced access for a specific tenantManage events within the specified tenant
ame.<tenant>.userBasic access for a specific tenantView and interact with events in the specified tenant
adminSplunk admin with full AME controlFull access to all tenants, edit objects, assign events
sc_adminSplunk Cloud admin with full AME controlFull access to all tenants, edit objects, assign events

Users with Splunk Admin (admin, sc_admin) or ame.admin roles can add tenants if a valid multi-tenancy license is active and have unrestricted access across all tenants. Tenant-specific roles (ame.<tenant>.admin, ame.<tenant>.power, ame.<tenant>.user) are optional and restrict access to their designated tenant; without one, a user’s name won’t appear in tenant dropdowns.


See Role Overview for permissions required to manage tenants.

Managing Tenants

The Tenant Management UI is shown below:


Only Splunk admins or users with the ame.admin role can access and use this page.

Manage tenants with these buttons:

Add Tenant
Save Tenant
Delete Tenant

Adding a Tenant


Requires a valid multi-tenancy license.

To create a tenant for event generation:

  1. Click Add Tenant at the bottom of the list.
  2. Enter a tenant name (editable later).
  3. Select roles to create for this tenant.
  4. Set a unique identifier (tenant_uid) for data and permission mapping—no spaces, dots, colons, semicolons, or brackets allowed.

The unique identifier (tenant_uid) cannot be changed after creation.

  1. Define the index name (e.g., ame_<uid> recommended; changes later require commercial support).
  2. Specify the HTTP Event Collector (HEC) host (default: localhost).
  3. Set the HEC port (default: 8088).
  4. Provide the HEC token (must match the receiver host’s token).
  5. Enable SSL/TLS and certificate verification for enhanced security (recommended).
  6. If using certificate verification, supply the cacert of the signing certificate for the HEC host.
  7. Configure event retention settings (see below).
  8. Finalize creation:
    • As ame.admin: Click Create to set up the tenant entry and event collection (index and roles require manual configuration).
    • As Splunk admin or with admin_all_objects role: Click Initialize to create the tenant, roles, and event collection, then deploy the index template on indexers.

Event Retention

Event retention determines how long events persist in the tenant’s KV Store collection after their last append operation. Set Event Retention [days] to a number (e.g., 0 for indefinite retention) and choose Event Retention Scope as Done only (applies to completed events) or All (applies to all events). This allows you to balance storage use with data access needs, tailoring retention to your operational requirements.


It’s recommended to match the event retention time with the Splunk index retention time. Mismatched settings may cause events to become inaccessible in the index while still existing in the KV Store collection, leading to data inconsistencies.

Status indicators reflect HEC connection health (see Health Check Dashboard for details):


For on-premises testing with default Splunk certificates, use $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/auth/cacert.pem (not recommended for production).

Updating or Deleting a Tenant

To update a tenant:

  1. Edit the tenant details.
  2. Click Save Tenant in the upper-right corner.

To delete a tenant:

  1. Open the tenant.
  2. Click Delete Tenant next to Save Tenant in the upper-right corner.

Showing Configuration Templates

Enable the Splunk Configuration Template slider to view Splunk configuration templates for the tenant.

Sending a Test Event

Test the tenant configuration by clicking Send Test Event.