Cribl Collector
Splunk Supporting Add-on for Cribl Stream Replay was tested on manual Single-Instance and Distributed installations. Splunk Supporting Add-on for Cribl Stream Replay was not tested with Orchestrated or Docker deployments.
General Settings
UTStream is able to query the Cribl API multiple times a second with new sessions, it is required to increase the logon rate limit enforced on the auth endpoint in Cribl. The setting resides at Settings > System > General Settings > API Server Settings > Advanced > Login rate limit
. Based on experience a value of 30/second
is sufficient.
Additionally, discovery and replay jobs might run for a long time. To prevent Cribl from invalidating the used tokens the value in Settings > System > General Settings > API Server Settings > Advanced > Auth-token TTL
needs to be set to the maximal possible job length. In theory, every job that takes longer than 5 minutes is bad for the performance in UTStream but values up to 4 hours are possible.
Replay Pipe
The following two actions need to be configured in a distinct Pipeline for replayed events. Only use this pipeline for events collected by a collector and not in Routes.
- Eval - Write inputId to cribl_replay to distinguish replay jobs from Splunk
- cribl_replay = __inputId.split(":").pop()
- cribl_filename = filename
- Parse - Replace _raw with _raw from the original event
- Operation mode: Extract
- Type: Json Object
- Source: _raw
- Fields to keep: _raw
S3 Destination
General Settings
- Output ID: define a unique ID for the output
- S3 Bucket Name: define the bucket name of your existing bucket
- Region: define the AWS region of your bucket
- Key Prefix: define the key prefix of your bucket; this is a folder created in the root of your bucket containing all data written by this destination
- Partitioning Expression:
`${C.Time.strftime(_time ? _time : / 1000, '%Y/%m/%d')}/${index ? index : 'no_index'}/${host ? host : 'no_host'}/${sourcetype ? sourcetype : 'no_sourcetype'}`
- Data Format:
- File Name Prefix Expression:
`${C.Time.strftime(_time ? _time : / 1000, '%H%M')}`
- Compress:
The defined partition ensures that Cribl finds files quickly in the bucket.
Define authentication to the bucket depending on your environment.
Advanced Settings
- Max File Size (MB): 128MB
- Max File Open Time (Sec): 60
- Max File Idle Time (Sec): 60
- Max Open Files: 2000
S3 Collector
An S3 collector must be configured to read the files written to the S3 Destination. Collectors are found in Data Sources
Collector Settings
- Collector ID: id for this collector; note this as the ID is required for Splunk
- Auto populate from: select the destination from which this collector should read data from
- Path: append the following string from the auto populated key prefix
Result Settings
Event Breakers
Click Add ruleset
and select the Cribl
event breaker.
Result Routing
- Send to Routes: No
- Pipeline: select the pipeline created above
- Destination: select your Splunk destination
Ensure that the data is not sent to routes as this might trigger a loop